01 What we do
HMI design with CGI Studio
Candera is where Humans and Machines Interact:
In displays of embedded devices.
CGI Studio is a scalable and hardware-independent HMI (human-machine interface) design software.
Create brilliant and customizable embedded UI solutions – for the automotive field and beyond.

02 CGI Studio Solutions
Unlock infinite possibilities with CGI Studio Solutions
The CGI Studio team are committed to delivering excellence and enabling you to create HMIs that transcend expectations. Join our ever-growing community of satisfied customers and embark on a journey of limitless possibilities in HMI design. Get started today and unlock the true potential of your products with a brilliant CGI Studio HMI.
03 Stay up to date!
Candera News
CGI Studio 3.12: Intelligent HMI creation
Intelligent solutions save time, money, and costly man hours of sought-after experts. This is true...
Candera Studio Feature Pack 2
Candera Studio: Introducing Fusion Editor’s “Super Sets” Super Sets are templates for logic...
Candera further expands business activities into Israel
ITEC and Candera partner to introduce Candera’s high-end, non-coding HMI solutions to fast growing...
04 Not yet convinced?
05 Our Services

We bring your GUI ideas to life
Developing a perfect HMI is not a single step, but a process. We can help you in every stage of the development chain. Our many years of experience allow us to provide initial ideas, identify current market trends, and in addition check the feasibility, hardware requirements, and potential cost of your existing design.
06 Work at Candera
Dream. Innovate. Excel.
Candera is where extraordinary careers begin.
07 Who we are
About Us
Candera GmbH in Linz, Austria is a leading HMI tool provider and development partner for worldwide automotive and industrial customers.
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